I bought a jean jacket, and spoke some French. There, you're up to date.
Yeah, i've been slack on updating lately. I've, uh, just been so busy...you know, working hard...well, anyway, i'll be heading back to beautiful Saint John for the long weekend, and since i've disconnected my Internet access at home, updates might continue to be scarce for the next few days. Technically, though, since this is supposed to be a travel journal, posting from home seems wrong somehow.
If i don't see you while i'm home, have a safe and sensational Thanksgiving. Aw, heck, have a great one even if i do see you.
Have a dice weekend!
(This terrible pun brought to you by Photobucket and the Canon PowerShot)
If i don't see you while i'm home, have a safe and sensational Thanksgiving. Aw, heck, have a great one even if i do see you.

(This terrible pun brought to you by Photobucket and the Canon PowerShot)
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